Monster Legends - Epic Guide Wiki

This ancient and pure soul of the forest has been learning to control the sacred, yet forgotten, elemental runes for ages. Will those powers be enough to vanquish the darkest powers?

Role: Support/Curser


Rootziel is a very good supporter. He works the same way as Laomu, being able to apply a random negative effect to the enemy team, but more inclined at supporting his team. Overall, a great support/curser hybrid, but he does have some flaws that prevents him from climbing into higher ranks.


  • Good stats and trait
  • Solid relic slots
  • Lots of healing moves
  • AoE Random Negative Effect
  • Special is a Team Clutch (Team NER + 100% Heal)
  • Mostly low cooldowns


  • Perversive Runes has a whopping 50s cost!
  • Moderate to high stamina costs and cooldowns on best moves
  • Random negative effects are a lottery

Recommended Moveset[]

I Am Groot[]

  • Perversive Runes (AoE 30 Nature dmg + Random Negative Effect, 50s, 2 CD)
  • Vital Element (Ally Heal 40% + 50% Stamina Regeneration, 26s, 1 CD)
  • Redemial Element (Heal 35% + Regeneration + NER, 35s, 2 CD)
  • Detrimental Runes / Invigorating Roots (Detrimental for 30 Nature dmg + Random Negative effect, 30s, 1 CD) / (Invigorating for 35 Light dmg + Self Regeneration, 40s, 3 CD)

Recommended Runes: 3 Team Speed; 2 Team Speed, 1 Speed

Recommended Relics: Great Healing Essence, Comeback Essence; Oblation Staff, Revenge Staff

