Monster Legends - Epic Guide Wiki


He is an amazing monster in the game and his design is cool


  • Has a move that can daze
  • Has a heavy damaging nature move which has no cool down so you can spam it
  • Better than dragonian beast
  • High life
  • 3 shield moves
  • Can be earned by beating node 10 now so he’s amazing in early game
  • A useful trait


Meh speed (better than dragonian beast's tho)

The arch-enemy of Lord Mammoth (which Primigemius beats if Lord Mammoth is run by a CPU). All Around good monster. Has multiple shields and regen for all allies, has a multi stun, and can take out dragonian beast even if it is 10 levels higher. I tried this when I was a wimpy lvl 29. it was a 1v1 in a team war between a full-health Draconian Beast lvl 50 and my lvl 40 Primigenius. Primigenius kept spamming Elderly Rush, healing 30% each time Draconian beast did Brazil Roll. Needless to say, Oldish remains is one of your best attacks, with 30 Earth Multi-Stun 35s 2cd. You also have Ancient Wall for a 30% Shield to all allies. If you are in a 1v1 with anyone, just spam Elderly Rush and Fossil Rush and you will be fine (unless it is Burning Rogue, in which case stun first and spam attacks later). Overall, he is a very good monster who competes with legendaries quite easily.
